Geopark Ngarai Sianok & Maninjau
Geopark Ngarai Sianok & Maninjau
The concept of ecotourism is needed
an important role from the local community (as the implementation of tourism
because it meets directly with tourists. Nasikun in Dewi, (2013) argues,
community-based tourism (local community) finds its rationality in property and
unique features and more unique characters are organized on a small scale, this
type of tourism is basically, ecologically safe, and not much cause negative impacts
such as those produced by conventional types of tourism.
One area that has the potential to be applied in the ecotourism concept is Jorong Sungai Janiah. The area belongs to the Fourth Agam Regency (DUPK4) Main Destination located in Baso Subdistrict precisely in Kanagarian Tabek. The following is an illustration of the Sungai Janiah Jorong region that has the potential to become one of ecotourism.Sungai Janiah has a natural beauty, culture and customs of the people who are different from other regions. This area has 7 indigenous tribes, each of which has their own characteristics and customs that are still guarded for generations. Furthermore, there is a tourist attraction of the Sungai Janiah's Fish Pond which is relegated from humans and the hills surrounding the Sungai Janiah.This area has the potential to be developed into ecotourism, so that tourists will not only focus on existing tourist attractions. Along with its potential, it can also be a challenge in the era of globalization, especially the culture of people who can be influenced by tourists. Therefore the concept of ecotourism is expected to maintain local wisdom and make this area a tourist destination that can not only improve the economy of the community but also preserve local culture.
Based on preliminary observations
and interviews with community leaders, the community was still not fully
involved in the development of existing tourism. This is allegedly due to the
low understanding and knowledge of the community about the contribution of tourism to the economy and culture.
Tourism development is still centered on government and community organizations
to a lesser extent. The community still does not care about the environment in
existing tourist attractions such as the existence of the community washing in
Fish Ponds that can pollute the environment. The availability of products or
souvenirs for tourists is still minimal because people still do not feel
directly the economic impact of existing tourist attractions.
The concept of ecotourism in Jorong
Sungai Janiah allegedly can be applied by developing the potential that is
owned and fixing the shortcomings of the area. This is inseparable from the
important role of the local community as a tourist, therefore it is necessary
to conduct a local community survey to find out the community's desire for the realization of the Sungai Janiah ecotourism that can have an
economic impact on the community.