Geopark Ngarai Sianok & Maninjau
Geopark Ngarai Sianok & Maninjau
Based on search results from several sources, there are several research themes regarding the Ngarai Sianok Maninjau Geopark area, including:
1. Research on the conservation of the Sianok Maninjau Geopark Geopark
- “Nature Campus” Ngarai Sianok Geological and Environmental Disaster Mitigation Research
- Endemic Biota Rescue Research;
- Development of Conservation Technology;
- Recent Endemic Species Number Research;
- Biodiversity Mapping;
2. Economic Development, Tourism, and Community Empowerment
- Research on Community Empowerment and Local Wisdom
- Study on Sustainable Development (Geotourism, Geoeducation, Geoheritage, and Community Development) in Ngarai Sianok Maninjau
- Research and Application of the results For the effectiveness of disaster prevention and mitigation
- Establishing regional disaster research forums as a forum for communication and synchronization between disaster research actors in the regions
- Strengthening the Role of Nagari and Ninik Mamak.